
Showing posts from April, 2003


有时候突然想,这半年到底怎么过来的?有的时候早上5-6点之间,不知道哪个混蛋养的鸽子在我的窗口咕咕咕咕叫个没完,翅膀噗噗棱棱,鸽子喘气的声音也不小。吵死人了。有时候被它们吵醒了,我就呲啦拉开窗帘,让它们看看,老子我还在睡觉。"滚!!!@#$&*()&(*"。鸽子拍着翅膀扑棱冷,飞到对面的房子上面。我再趴下,继续做梦,(假如还能睡着的话)。 为什么不是总被它们吵醒?大概是睡得太死吧。 我跟同事说我的痛苦。有人说,北京现在不准养鸽子,可以报警,抓到杀死。杀....死。杀死..... 这,还不至于因为耽误我睡觉就要了人家的命吧?(被吵醒的时候,我确实发誓如果有枪,非把它们一个个都嘣了。想起来,有个人因为邻居家的大公鸡吵闹,把它给干掉了。) 我再仔细想想,报警不?同志们也给我点建议。


I always seem to associate a song or several songs with a period of my life in which I listen to them a lot. Time is racing ahead. I can't stop it. Neither can anyone else. Nostalgia. When I listen to songs such as Le Jour s'est Lev, one of the three incomprehensible French songs I got in exchange for three songs by Luo Dayou with a Frenchman, it never fails to reminds me of those days at Brightsun in Harbin, when I just began to learn of the Internet as a new guy at the company with the brand-new status of being an employee after years of being an English student. Wei-ai-chi-kuang by Liu Ruoying brings me back to those days when I was beginning to learn love, yet another brand-new topic to a freewheeling, awkward, and stupid boy. And shengxia-de-guoshi by Mo Wenwei comes to me as a reflection of those lovely summer days in Harbin. Now, new songs, which now I'm not aware of, will serve, when I listen to them again in the future, as nostalgic ones associated with my beginnin