
Showing posts from November, 2003


小刺猬是那天北京刮十二级大风(还有印象吗?)来我们家的。小贾晚上刚下班回来,大吵着让我看今天带了个什么东西回来。我一看,上帝,是一只传说中的刺猬。 刚开始不知道小猬什么生活习惯,拿不准,于是小心翼翼的。晚上上厕所也不能像以前那样摸黑前进。现在当然也要摸黑前进,只不过现在要一看二慢三通过,踩到它还了得?!那家伙浑身都是硬刺。 小贾后来好几天出差,没人管小猬了。我和小杨都不是很喜欢它,很大的原因大概是它不像小猫小狗,"只能远观而不能亵玩焉"。离它近了,它就低声呜呜叫,摆出一副要咬你的架势。我俩也确实不知道怎么照顾它。我喂饼干,苹果,他喂萝卜,猪肉。给它我不要的衣服当床,谁知到根本就不领情。现在就喜欢藏到报纸下面。估计在野外时是藏到杂草下面。后来小杨到网上查明,刺猬乃吃肉的动物。 小猬一开始的时候白天不动,晚上活动。过厅让它搞得一塌糊涂,晚上钻到报纸下面,把报纸咬的到处都是,还随地方便。晚上也不安静,扒门。我的门比较紧,它进不来。邻居家的不行,很有耐力的小猬经常"破门而入",到屋里转一圈又出去。发现它这个习惯以后,它再进屋就等它出去,反正找也找不到小猬在哪个角落。有一次,半夜两点小杨还没睡觉。我看见了,问,你干嘛呢?答曰:等刺猬出去。 有时候感觉小猬就像一只老鼠一样。有一次跑到我屋里,我像把它请出去。它害怕,死命的往暖气片下面钻。我怕它进去了出不来。可又不知道如何下手拉它出来。幸好它也知道里面很挤,自己往后退。后来把它弄到袋子里面拎了出去,样子还很不服气。 现在按照它最喜欢的样子,用报纸给它搭了一个窝。看样子挺喜欢,休息的时候肯定在那里藏在报纸下面,现在就在。 *我不愿意亲口说出这件事情。2004年3月1日晚上,我们发现小猬死在窝里。原因不祥。怀念它。......

Which one is more difficult to learn, English or Chinese?

Of course, they are two greatest languages in the world. One exerts the most powerful synchronic influence over the face of the Planet. The other, on the contrary, might be the strongest diachronic language that has been weaving together the history of a single largest country in population and later its much smaller neighbors since its first emperor froze the writing system of the language for the first time when the country proper came into being in A.D. 221. Which one is more difficult for a foreign learner to learn to speak and write? The Chinese. Someone has commented that one needs three months to learn good English, three years to master French and at least thirty years to be proficient in German. As I see it, he has to double his efforts he has put in tackling German to speak and write good Chinese and those who have mastered Chinese in 60 years much better than an average Chinese person has in 20 years must be geniuses. This is definitely of no overestimation. For one thing, m