
Showing posts from September, 2003


也不记得从什么时候想有自己的房子。更不知道来北京之后什么时候养成一个“毛病”。我看报纸只有一部分白看不厌,实际上也没什么可看的。比如: 国贸店 6420****, 6****792 西罗园 1居 48m2 21.3万 .... 长城饭店 2居 58m2 31万包 ...... 或者 不是逗你玩。 36平米起,1卧+1厅+1工作间+1厨+1卫 首付3.2万元起,月供700余元起,领衔“后小户型时代” ! ...... ..... 这 些都是房地产广告。经常津津有味的查看广告里面的各种布局图,价格之类的。 虽然买不起,但是还是向往自己要是也有一个自己的房子该多好。有什么好?首先房租不用交了吧。用厨房卫生间不用跟别人冲突了吧?既然是自己的房子了,那一 定会很干净,我会仔细打扫(也许是懒的借口)。

How did I start learning English?

*This can be how you'll get started, too. 如果你想学会英语,请阅读下面的内容,您采取行动就会改变您的英语道路。 李阳---一个成功的传奇,一个给人无限奋斗力量的榜样!!! 我的誓言:我从今天开始疯狂! 李阳・克立兹国际英语口语推广工作室 向全国亿万英语学习者公布李阳・克立兹七十二六突破方法精华 疯狂的信念:------今天的我和昨天的不一样! 口语面前,人人平等!只要今天开始疯狂,明天照样创造辉煌! 一年的零碎时间足以攻克一门外语! 我为自已基础差、没有语言天赋和健忘而感到自豪! Hi, this is Li Yang. I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored in Mechanical engineering, I was once a poor student of English, and it was my biggest headache and troublemaker. I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words, But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games, I found myself a totally different and exciting new world. Not only did I pass Band 4 and Band 6 College English exams very easily with high marks, but more importantly, I began to use English. Finally, I developed a new Language Cracking System myself, I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way. It was a

Latest News Backup

* I holed up in my small home during the past week and did not get out of the building even once. One week or so ago when my company decided to scatter its workers to work from home as precautionary means against SARS, I did not believe the epidemic was as serious as was depicted on the media or justified the move of sending workers home. I thought it was just a panic without immediacy that no more than frightened everyone into mere trembles. I doubt it now. I rode a bus to my company yesterday and discovered at one glance that Beijing is no long what it was a week ago. People on the street were seen wearing gauze masks almost 8 out of 10. The first thing a mask-wearing guy did after taking a seat next to a window on a bus was slide open the window quickly with a heavy sigh of reassured relief. Maintenance staff at my office building were armed to the teeth with big white masks, horrifying light-blue uniforms looking like those used in a Japanese laboratory some 60 years ago in Northea