我是日本政府的敌人 (我买了日本佳能相机,唉)


*哈尔滨 平房区的日军731细菌部队
*南京 上个世纪30年代 南京大屠杀
*李登辉猪 日本人的儿子
*陈水扁低能儿 日本人的孙子

这 些都是日本人干的。按说,当年欺辱中国的国家当中,并非日本一家,要恨的国家应该很多。为什么就剩下日本还让我们这么恨?其他的国家政府没有哪个象日本的 那样否认侵略中国,还把当年侵略中国的甲级战犯当作神仙供起来。在这个日本,当政的还是当年那套什么天皇体系,军国分子也没死绝,不但没死绝反倒十分猖 獗。那个靖国神社香火还是很旺,日本政府高官年年参拜。

我从今天正式开始拒绝购买日货,直到 1)日本政府正式就二战期间以及之前对中国人犯下的罪行向中国人民道歉,并且赔偿一切损失,2)拆毁靖国神社。



常国华 2003年8月11日于中国北京


I'm Japan's Enemy (20030811)

The Government of Japan refuses to apologize for the war crimes it committed in its invasion into China during the WWII and before that. I strongly protest that officials in the Government of Japan deny the killings of 300 000 civilians by Japanese troops in Nanjing during WWII. The Government of Japan insists on the existence of the shrine in honor of murderers of the Chinese people.

I hereby declare myself to be an enemy of the Government of Japan.

I will not buy any Japanese product, be it industrial, cultural or of any other nature until the Government of Japan a) apologizes for its crimes and compensates for all the losses that were, are and will be sustained by Chinese people, and b) demolishes the war shrine.

The Japanese Government must take up the responsibity whatsoever for the treatment of the biological and chemical weapons it left in China and compensate for all the physical and economic losses and harms that result from them .

Diaoyu Islands belong to China. By no means they are Japanese.

Taiwan also belongs to China. It is neither a country nor part of Japan in any sense.

I do not want to see a Japanese railroad connecting Beijing and Shanghai. I am indignantly against the intention of the Chinese authorities to purchase Japanese trains and their technology.

Chang Guohua
August 11, 2003
in Beijing, China


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